What The Length of Your Left Pinky Finger Tells About Your Personality

They say you can tell a lot about a person by looking at their hands. But did you know that you can also tell a lot about someone’s personality just by looking at the length of their left pinky finger?
Look at the pictures below and decide which type you are – A, B, or C. Then read on to find out about your personality. You will be surprised how accurate this is.

Type A: People who fall under the Type A are reserved and don’t like sharing their feelings. They are emotional and only feel connected to someone they like. Such people hate dishonesty, lies, and hypocrisy because it goes against everything they believe in. They tend to portray themselves as stronger than they really are. They appear cool and strong but can often be vulnerable to emotions. They aren’t very tolerant and can come off as arrogant and eccentric, they do not like stupid people. But they have a big heart and like helping others in need.
Type A people are hard workers and finish every task they are given whether they like it or not. Their eyes are very expressive and they wear their hear on their sleeve. They enjoy a good laugh and as long it’s funny, they will be amused.

Type B: Type B people can easily stay calm and collected in the middle of chaos and disorder. They never approach someone by themselves and are usually shy and aloof in the beginning. They are loyal, devoted and will give full attention to the person they love and will constantly be thinking about them. Deep inside, they are sensitive souls but on the surface, they will appear hard and cold. This is why people tend to think wrongly of Type B people. These people are committed and will finish a task once they set their mind to it. They are well-known for their ability to keep secrets. They are scared of getting hurt and that sometimes makes them uncomfortable even though they will appear calm.
They may show like they don’t need anyone but on the inside, they always dream of finding their soulmate. Because of this they may get hurt easily but will never show it on the surface.

Type C: Type C people are the ones who don’t hold on to past grudges. They easily forget things that upset them. They are optimistic, easy-going and can get along well with everyone. They hate unfamiliar territories and it bothers them to face and deal with things that are unknown to them, they don’t enjoy surprises. They respect other people’s opinions but can sometimes appear to be bossy because of their ego. That is not to say they a big ego, but it reaches extreme levels when arguing with someone. However, they are also the first ones to apologize.
People who fall into the Type C personality are also reserved and don’t share their feelings easily, this can cause stress in their relationships because their partner doesn’t know what’s troubling them. They are straightforward and like dealing with their own problems. They want people to trust them and depend on them. They want to be around people who are honest and authentic.
These people are clear about what they want in life. They have their priorities sorted out and can easily differentiate between the good from the bad.
How accurate was it for you?
Are you still searching for your life purpose? You won’t believe what the ancient science of Numerology can reveal about you.
Regardless of what month you were born, Numerology can reveal surprising information about your personality.
Click here to learn what Numerology says about your life using only your Name and Birth Date.
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