Does Your Scorpio Man Miss You When You’re Not Around?
If you’re a woman dating a Scorpio man. But does your Scorpio man miss you when you’re gone? Here are some ways that you can assess the situation and find out.
If He Texts You
Perhaps you’ve gone on vacation or are on a business trip and you’re wondering: does your Scorpio man miss you? One big sign that he does is that he’ll text you while you’re gone.
He’s so used to you being around that after maybe a day or two, he starts texting you to see what’s going on and how you’re doing. Though if you text him first, he’ll answer you.
The best way to figure out if he misses you though is by not texting him first. Let him reach out to you. If he doesn’t then there is a chance he’s not thinking much about it.
If a Scorpio man is confident in your relationship; he may actually make himself very busy while you’re away or doing your own thing. If he’s busy, he’s not thinking about his personal life.
Again, if your Scorpio man takes time out of whatever it is he is doing to text and stays in contact then it’s likely he does miss you. It may not be as much as you miss him but still, some are better than none right?
Calls You When He Can
Most men (not all) will actually want to touch base with the woman they’re into on a daily basis. Even if it’s only for a few minutes; he’ll want to check in with you by giving you a quick call.
He may opt to text you if he’s not much of a phone type of person but it’s still essentially the same thing. Though many men want to hear their woman’s voice as it gives them some type of solace.
If he’s giving you daily calls; he misses you. Even if it’s only for a couple of minutes, he’s expending some effort to make sure you know he’s thinking about you. His actions are what you need to look for.
Scorpio men just like any man; will tend to reach out to the woman they care about as often as they can. If you see an increase in him reaching out when he’s not with you; he misses you.
Now, there is a clause to this of course. If you two live in the same town but not together, he may not feel the need to miss you because you still sort of there; unless you’ve gone a week or two without spending time together.
Time Apart Makes the Heart Grow Fonder
A Scorpio man typically keeps himself inundated with lots of things to do. He’ll especially spend time on things he’s passionate about such as art, music, or even his career.
So when he’s busy “in the zone”; he may not be thinking of you at that time. It doesn’t mean that he isn’t into you or doesn’t care. It just means his mind is occupied.
Try not to confuse his being busy and unable to process other thoughts as him not caring about you or not missing you. When he does have time to think of other things; he will indeed miss you.
Again, this has to do with time and space also. If you see each other on a regular basis, he’s probably comfortable and missing you isn’t a thing as he knows he’ll see you or talk to you again soon.
The only way to get him to miss you is by becoming somewhat unavailable, going on vacation, going on business trips, etc. Try not to do it too often though because then he’ll think you don’t want to be with him anymore.
He Will Be Honest and Obvious
Scorpio men typically will actually let you know if they are missing you. They will text you, they will call you, or they will do what they can to spend some time with you.
When he does spend time with you after missing you, he’ll show you physically how much he missed you. That will be very clear and you won’t be left wondering whether or not he did, in fact, feel loss while you were apart.
If you’ve spent significant time apart due to living circumstances such as geography, work, or studying abroad, he’ll definitely let you know how he feels when he talks to you or sees you again.
It’s likely that his feelings will be much more intense than they possibly were before. Watch for how he acts with you after you’ve gone without seeing him for a while.
Again, don’t try to purposefully spend significant time away from him. That will make him think you don’t want him. It IS healthy though to spend time with your other friends and/or family without him.
Give Him a Reason To Miss You!
Be unforgettable to your Scorpio man. Give him lots of love, attention, compliments, and treat him like a king. When he’s apart from you; he will miss this.
If you give him lots of reasons of why he should miss you by showing him, he’ll definitely notice you’re not around no matter what he is doing. He’ll want to reach out to you more and see what you’re up to.
Again, many Scorpio men keep themselves very busy. It’s unlikely you hear “I’m bored” from this guy. He always has something going on or something he can be working at.
That being said, he doesn’t give himself too much time to miss people. In his downtime though; that’s when it may hit him and he’ll want to reach out to let you know he misses you.
So yes, he IS capable of missing someone for sure. It may take a while to build up but he does notice and will miss the woman he loves.
I get how confusing this guy can be sometimes but I do hope that this article helps you at knowing if he will miss you or not when you’re not around.